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If you employ less than 50 staff you could be entitled to £1k grant when you employ an apprentice aged 16-18


How can we
help you?

CERT Apprenticeships can support you recruit an apprentice by advertising your vacancy, supporting your recruitment and helping you to find the right apprentice. We can provide high quality apprenticeship training for your new apprentice and support you both throughout the apprenticeship.


The training and support for the apprenticeship is agreed between CERT, the apprentice and you. It is important that you are involved in the co-design of the apprenticeship and its training at the outset to ensure it meets your organisation's needs. 

How much
does it cost?

It has never been more

cost-effective to hire an apprentice. The Government is investing £1.5 billion into apprenticeships and there are employer incentives available for funding an apprentice and their training.


The main employment costs are the apprentice's wages and supervision. Apprentices work for at least 30 hours per week and must receive the appropriate minimum wage.
For more details on the national minimum wage visit the Gov website.   

Apprenticeship Funding for Employers

The government provides funding for apprenticeship training for employers that don't pay the apprenticeship levy and will pay employers taking on a new apprentice.

£1,000 funding is available if the apprentice is aged 16-18 and you employ less than 50 people. The Government also provide 95% funding for apprenticeship training through an apprenticeship digital account. CERT will help you set this up for free if you don't have one already.

Why recruit an Apprentice?

An apprentice brings many benefits such as improved products or services, new ideas generation better morale amongst staff and improvement in staff retention. It offers you the ability to "grow your own" staff in the culture of your business.

99% of businesses in the UK are small to medium sized but surprisingly only 10% employ an apprentice. Missing out on an amazing low cost way to develop a talent pipeline in their organisation. 


This means a lot of businesses like yours could be missing out on an extremely effective way to tap into raw talent, up-skill their own staff and grow their business, as well are offering young people life changing career opportunities. 

What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a Standard that develops the skills,  knowledge and behaviours required for a specific job role. These standards have been developed and agreed by employers to meet the skills needs of each job role.

There are four different levels: Intermediate, Advanced, Higher and Degree. Apprenticeships take between one and five years to complete and apprenticeships are delivered in partnership between the employer and a training provider like CERT. 

One of the most important aspects to consider is that in choosing an apprenticeship route you are not employing "the finished article". You are embarking on a journey to nurture and develop new talent in your organisation that are your future workforce. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow your business. Complete the form to the right and see how we can help you.

Check out stories about our past

apprentices and what they are doing now! 

Recruit an 

Fill out our form below and we will help you start developing your future team

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If you are looking to recruit an apprentice, employ apprentices or for apprenticeship training then contact us to talk through your specific needs. If you are seeking  funding apprentices we may also be able to help. You could have your own admin apprentice, marketing apprentice, customer service apprentice or even a funding apprentice.

Education and Skills Funding Agency

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